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The Magic Paintbrush

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young boy named Tom. Tom was very poor but he had a kind heart. One day, while walking through the forest, he found an old paintbrush lying on the ground. It was no ordinary paintbrush; it shimmered with a strange, magical light. Intrigued, Tom took it home.

That night, he decided to test the paintbrush. He painted a beautiful golden fish on a piece of paper, and to his surprise, the fish jumped off the paper and into a bowl of water. It was alive! Tom was amazed and quickly realized that the paintbrush was magical.

Excited, Tom began to paint more things. He painted food for his family, new clothes for his neighbors, and toys for the children in his village. Word of Tom's magical paintbrush spread quickly, and soon the greedy king heard about it.

The king sent his soldiers to capture Tom and bring him to the palace. When Tom arrived, the king demanded that he paint a mountain of gold. Tom refused, knowing the king's greed would only bring misery to the people. Enraged, the king locked Tom in a dark cell.

While in the cell, Tom thought of a plan. He painted a door on the wall, and it turned into a real door. He walked out and painted a beautiful garden with a high wall around it to protect the village. When the king tried to enter the garden, he found it impenetrable.

Tom continued to use the paintbrush to help his village, always using it wisely and never for selfish reasons. The villagers lived happily ever after, knowing they were safe and cared for.

1. What did Tom find in the forest?

A. A golden fish

B. An old paintbrush

C. A magical book

D. A treasure chest

2. What happened when Tom painted the golden fish?

A. It turned into a real fish

B. It stayed on the paper

C. It disappeared

D. It became a golden statue

3. Why did the king want the paintbrush?

A. To paint a beautiful garden

B. To paint a mountain of gold

C. To paint a portrait of himself

D. To paint toys for children

4. How did Tom escape from the cell?

A. He bribed the guard

B. He dug a tunnel

C. He painted a door

D. He climbed out of a window

5. What did Tom do to protect his village from the king?

A. He painted an army

B. He built a high wall

C. He painted a beautiful garden with a high wall

D. He hid the paintbrush

The Brave Little Tailor

Once upon a time, there was a little tailor who lived in a small village. He was known for his bravery and cleverness. One day, he bought some jam and prepared to eat it with his bread. Just as he was about to take a bite, seven flies landed on his bread. Annoyed, he swatted at them and killed them all with one blow.

Proud of his feat, he made a belt for himself with the words “Seven at one blow” stitched on it. Wearing the belt, he set out to seek his fortune. Along the way, he met a giant. The giant saw the words on the tailor's belt and thought he had killed seven men with one blow.

Impressed, the giant challenged the tailor to a series of tests to prove his strength. The first test was to squeeze water from a stone. The tailor cleverly picked up a piece of cheese and squeezed it until water came out. The giant, believing it to be a stone, was amazed.

Next, the giant asked the tailor to throw a stone into the air. Instead, the tailor picked up a bird and threw it into the sky, where it flew away. Again, the giant was astonished by the tailor's strength.

Finally, the giant asked the tailor to help him carry a large tree. The clever tailor suggested that the giant carry the trunk while he would carry the branches. As the giant carried the heavy trunk, the tailor simply sat on the branches, pretending to help.

The giant, now convinced of the tailor's strength, invited him to stay with him. The tailor, however, decided to continue his journey. He soon found himself in a kingdom where he performed many brave deeds, eventually winning the hand of the princess and half of the kingdom. And so, the brave little tailor lived happily ever after.

6. What did the tailor do to seven flies?
A. He caught them
B. He killed them with one blow
C. He scared them away
D. He trapped them in a jar

7. What did the tailor stitch on his belt?
A. “Bravery at its best”
B. “Seven at one blow”
C. “Clever and strong”
D. “Fly swatter champion”

8. How did the tailor trick the giant into thinking he could squeeze water from a stone?
A. He used a piece of bread
B. He squeezed his hand
C. He used a piece of cheese
D. He used a sponge

9. What did the tailor throw into the air to impress the giant?
A. A rock
B. A piece of cheese
C. A bird
D. A ball

10. How did the tailor make it seem like he was carrying the large tree?
A. He carried it with the giant
B. He pretended to carry the branches
C. He pushed it from behind
D. He carried the trunk

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan 
1. Apa yang ditemukan Tom di hutan?

Jawaban: B. Sebuah kuas lukis tua
Pembahasan: Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa Tom menemukan sebuah kuas lukis tua yang bersinar dengan cahaya ajaib saat dia berjalan di hutan.

2. Apa yang terjadi ketika Tom melukis ikan emas?

Jawaban: A. Ikan itu berubah menjadi ikan nyata
Pembahasan: Saat Tom melukis ikan emas di atas kertas, ikan itu melompat keluar dari kertas dan masuk ke dalam mangkuk air, menunjukkan bahwa ikan tersebut menjadi nyata.

3. Mengapa raja menginginkan kuas lukis tersebut?

Jawaban: B. Untuk melukis gunung emas
Pembahasan: Raja yang serakah meminta Tom untuk melukis sebuah gunung emas, tetapi Tom menolak karena mengetahui keserakahan raja hanya akan membawa penderitaan bagi rakyatnya.

4. Bagaimana cara Tom melarikan diri dari sel?

Jawaban: C. Dia melukis sebuah pintu
Pembahasan: Tom melukis sebuah pintu di dinding selnya, dan pintu itu berubah menjadi pintu nyata yang memungkinkan Tom melarikan diri.

5. Apa yang dilakukan Tom untuk melindungi desanya dari raja?

Jawaban: C. Dia melukis taman indah dengan tembok tinggi
Pembahasan: Untuk melindungi desanya, Tom melukis sebuah taman indah dengan tembok tinggi di sekelilingnya, membuat raja tidak bisa masuk.

6. What did the tailor do to seven flies?

Jawaban: B. He killed them with one blow
Pembahasan: Dalam teks, dijelaskan bahwa penjahit tersebut membunuh tujuh lalat dengan satu pukulan saat mereka mendarat di rotinya.

7. What did the tailor stitch on his belt?

Jawaban: B. “Seven at one blow”
Pembahasan: Penjahit menjahit kata-kata “Seven at one blow” pada sabuknya setelah berhasil membunuh tujuh lalat dengan satu pukulan.

8. How did the tailor trick the giant into thinking he could squeeze water from a stone?

Jawaban: C. He used a piece of cheese
Pembahasan: Penjahit menggunakan sepotong keju yang diperasnya hingga keluar air, sehingga raksasa percaya bahwa itu adalah batu.

9. What did the tailor throw into the air to impress the giant?

Jawaban: C. A bird
Pembahasan: Untuk mengesankan raksasa, penjahit melemparkan seekor burung ke udara yang kemudian terbang pergi, membuat raksasa percaya bahwa ia sangat kuat.

10. How did the tailor make it seem like he was carrying the large tree?

Jawaban: B. He pretended to carry the branches
Pembahasan: Penjahit menyarankan raksasa untuk membawa batang pohon sementara ia berpura-pura membawa cabangnya, padahal sebenarnya ia duduk di cabang tersebut.

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