Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan |
Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya menulis kumpulan soal ujian tengah semester (UTS) 1 untuk kelas 12. Soal UTS ini juga disertai dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan yang lengkap. Materi yang diujikan ini tentunya berdasarkan silabus dari kurikulum 2013. Silahkan dibaca dan dipelajari sebagai persiapan Anda dalam menghadapi UTS.
This dialog is for questions 1 to 4.
Mr. Tatang: Good morning, Buku Sejati Marketing. Tatang is speaking. May I help you?
Ms. Riska: Good morning Mr. Tatang. This is Riska from Pelangi Bookstore. I'd like to speak to Mr. Latif, the salesperson.
Mr. Tatang: I'm sorry, Ma'am. He is delivering books to bookstore at the moment.
Ms. Riska: When will he be available?
Mr. Tatang: I am not really sure, Ma'am. By the way, is there anything I can do to help you?
Ms. Riska: I hope so. I ordered 300 copies of books last week. I need 30 more. Can you fulfill it?
Mr. Tatang: Sure, Ma'am. I'll prepare it for you. My staff will deliver your order right away.
Question 1.
Who are talking in the dialog?
- A. Marketing staff and a student.
- B. Marketing staff and bookstore staff.
- C. A book writer and marketing staff.
- D. A salesperson and bookstore staff.
- E. Marketing staff and school staff.
Jawaban: B. Marketing staff and bookstore staff.
Soal ini menanyakan pekerjaan tokoh atau pelaku yang ada di dalam dialog.
Pada pembukaan dialog, Mr. Tatang berkata, " Good morning, Buku Sejati Marketing. Tatang is speaking. May I help you?" Kata yang dicetak tebal menandakan bahwa Tatang adalah seorang staff pemasaran (marketing staff).
Kemudian Riska berkata, "Good morning Mr. Tatang. This is Riska from Pelangi Bookstore..." Kata yang dicetak tebal menandakan bahwa Riska adalah seorang staff toko buku (bookstore staff). Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah B, Marketing staff and bookstore staff.
Question 2.
What is Ms. Riska's purpose to call Buku Sejati?
- A. To meet Mr. Latif.
- B. To ask about her order.
- C. To urge Mr. Latif to deliver her order soon.
- D. To make sure that her order has been delivered.
- E. To order more books.
Jawaban: E. To order more books.
Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan Riska menghubungi Buku Sejati.
Di dalam dialog terdapat kalimat yang diucapkan oleh Riska, "I ordered 300 copies of books last week. I need 30 more. Can you fulfill it?" Kalimat tersebut menandakan bahwa Riska ingin memesan tambahan buku sebanyak 300. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah E, to order more books.
Question 3.
From the dialog we know that Mr. Tatang is a ... person.
- A. perceptive
- B. creative
- C. gentle
- D. calm
- E. aggressive
Jawaban:A. perceptive
Soal ini menanyakan karakter atau sifat Mr. Tatang.
Perceptive berarti cepat tanggap atau cepat paham. Dari dialog di atas, Mr. Tatang terlihat cepat tanggap dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh Riska, jadi ajwaban paling tepat adalah A, perceptive.
Question 4.
Mr. Tatang says, "He is delivering books to bookstores at the moment."
What is the similar meaning of "to deliver"?
- A. To book
- B. To notice
- C. To send
- D. To try
- E. To store
Jawaban: C. To send
Soal ini menanyakan sinonim dari "to deliver".
Deliver berarti mengirim. Dari lima pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, kata send berarti mengirim. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah C, to send.
This dialog is for questions 5 and 6.
Joko: Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you?
Ms. Veni: Good morning. I'd like to deliver this parcel to Mrs. Utami.
Joko: Okay. Will you deliver it with the express or standard delivery service?
Ms. Veni: How much does each service cost?
Joko: Seventy-five thousand Rupiah for express service and sixty thousand Rupiah for standard.
Ms. Veni: Standard, please. By the way, when will this parcel be received?
Joko: Let me see the destination. Well, this package will arrive at the destination in two or three days.
Ms. Veni: Great! Here's the money and the numbers which you might need.
Joko: Sure. Thank you for using our services.
Question 5.
Where does the dialog occur?
- A. In a warehouse
- B. In a security office
- C. In a courier agency
- D. In a lost and found service
- E. In a cashier
Jawaban: C. In a courier agency.
Dialog ini mengambil seting di tempat pengiriman paket barang (courier agency).
Question 6.
Why does Ms. Veni choose standard delivery service?
- A. It is quick.
- B. It is affordable.
- C. It is safe.
- D. It is simple.
- E. It is expensive.
Jawaban: B. It is affordable.
Soal ini menanyakan alasan Ms. Veni lebih memilih layanan pengiriman yang standar (standard delivery service). Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B, it is affordable (harganya terjangkau).
This dialog is for questions 7 to 9.
Ella: Excuse me, Ma'am. I think you need a hand.
Mrs. Tantri: Yes, you're right.
Ella: Let me help you replace the deflated wheel.
Mrs. Tantri: Thank you so much. You're very kind.
Ella: No problem.
Question 7.
What happens to Mrs. Tantri?
- A. Her car tire is flat.
- B. She gets lot.
- C. Her car is broken?
- D. She gets a ticket.
- E. The car wheel fell off.
Jawaban: A. Her car tire is flat.
Soal ini menanyakan, "Ada masalah apa pada diri Mrs. Tantri?"
Ban mobilnya bocor alias flat tire. Jadi A adalah jawaban paling tepat.
Question 8.
What is Ella like?
- A. Polite
- B. Helpful
- C. Wise
- D. Ambitious
- E. Generous
Jawaban: B. Helpful
Soal ini menanyakan, "Sifat Ella itu seperti apa?"
Ella punya sifat suka menolong. Buktinya adalah dia menawarkan pertolongan. Dia berucap, "Let me help you replace the deflated wheel." Kalimat tersebut menandakan menawarkan pertolongan. B, helpful berarti sifat suka menolong.
Question 9.
What can we learn from the dialog?
- A. We should be polite to elder people.
- B. We should do what we can do.
- C. We'd better call for help if we are in trouble.
- D. We should help people who are in trouble.
- E. We must focus if anything happens on the street.
Jawaban: D. We should help people who are in trouble.
Soal ini menanyakan, "pesan moral apa yang dapat kita pelajari dari percakapan di atas." Pesan moralnya adalah kita harus menolong orang lain yang sedang mendapat masalah. Jawaban paling tepat adalah D.
This dialog is for questions 10 to 12.
Embun: You look so confused.
Dea: Yes. I'm looking for my USB stick. All my important documents are there.
Embun: Where did you put it?
Dea: I thought I put it in the drawer, but I couldn't find it.
Embun: Let me help you find it.
Dea: Thanks.
Dea: Er...are you sure you have unplugged the USB stick from your laptop computer? Have you checked it?
Dea: Gish! I hope you're right. I don't think I have unplugged it from the computer. Thanks.
Embun: What an absent minded person.
Question 13.
What can you infer about Embun's characteristic?
- A. Curious
- B. Sensitive
- C. Persistent
- D. Active
- E. Forgetful
Jawaban: C. Persistent
Soal ini menanyakan, "Apa yang dapat kita simpulkan tentang sifatnya si Embun". Embun sangat gigih untuk bisa menemukan flash disck milik si Dea. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah C, persistent (gigih).
Question 14.
What does Dea need?
- A. A USB stick
- B. Her documents
- C. A laptop computer
- D. A drawer
- E. A cell phone
Jawaban: A. A USB stick.
Soal ini menanyakan, "apa yang yang Dea inginkan?"
Dia ingin menemukan USB atau flash disck yang hilang. Jadi jawabannya adalah A, a USB stick.
Question 15.
From the dialog, where can Dea finally find the item she needs?
- A. In the drawer
- B. In her bag
- C. On the laptop computer
- D. On the computer table
- E. In her pocket
Jawaban: C. On the laptop computer.
Soal ini menanyakan, "Di mana akhirnya Dea menemukan USB stick yang hilang?"
Jawaban dapat ditemukan dari ucapan si Dea, "Er...are you sure you have unplugged the USB stick from your laptop computer? Have you checked it?" kalimat ini menekankan bahwa ternyata USB nya lupa belum dicabut dari laptop computer. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah C.
This dialog is for questions 16 to 18.
Enggi: I cannot operate this new photocopier machine. Could you show me how?
Sita: Sure. Have you turned it on and put the document on the table?
Enggi: Not such a problem, Sita. I don't know how to make the result a little darker.
Sita: Oh, sorry. Well, touch this screen to make selections. You'll see which button to make the result darker. Look, here it is.
Enggi: I see, thanks.
Sita: You're welcome.
Question 16.
What is Enggi's problem?
- A. She doesn't know how to copy some documents.
- B. She doesn't know where the new photocopier machine is.
- C. She doesn't understand how to operate a photocopier machine.
- D. She needs someone to explain how to print a document.
- E. She can't help someone operate a photocopier machine.
Jawaban: C. She doesn't understand how to operate a photocopier machine.
Soal ini menanyakan, "Apa sih masalah si Enggi?"
Jawaban dapat ditemukan dari kalimat yang diucapkan Enggi, "I cannot operate this new photocopier machine". Kalimat itu menunjukkan bahwa Enggi tidak bisa mengoperasikan mesin photokopi. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah C.
Question 17.
What will Enggi do?
- A. See a new photocopier machine.
- B. Reduplicate a document.
- C. Reprint a document.
- D. Save a document with a new machine.
- E. Make a document a little darker.
Jawaban: E. Make a document a little darker.
Soal ini menanyakan, "Selanjutnya Enggi akan melakukan apa?"
Enggi ingin mengkopi dokumen dengan kaulitas agak gelap. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah E.
Question 18.
Sita says,"Look, here it is."
What does she express?
- A. She tells Enggi how to turn on the machine.
- B. She explains where Enggi should put the document.
- C. She shows where the on-off button is.
- D. She helps Enggi make the result darker.
- E. She shows which button to make the result darker.
Jawaban: E. She shows which button to make the result darker.
Ucapan yang dikatakan Sita, "Look,here it is" jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia "Lihat. Ini loh tombolnya."
Kalimat tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa Sita menunjukkan Enggi button (tombol) untuk membuat dokumen lebih gelap (darker). Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah E.
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