Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12:Offering Help Disertai Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan |
Hallo kelas 12. Kamu sedang belajar mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan materi soal menawarkan bantuan (offering help)?
Di halaman ini, saya telah menulis soal dengan topik offering help yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi kamu. Selamat belajar ya.
This dialog is for questions 1 to 3.
Amalia: There is a freelance job vacancy of web content creators. It is about teen's life.
Galih: You should apply for it. You are good at writing articles.
Amalia: You are right, but I am not a good at web designing.
Galih: Can it be done in a team?
Amalia: It can be.
Galih: Let me help you design the web and you make the content.
Amalia: Thank you, but we have to pass the selection test.
Galih: What is the test about?
Amalia: We have to submit our work. When we pass the test, we have to publish the web content weekly.
Galih: When is the due date?
Amalia: Next Monday.
Galih: We still have time. Let's start discussing our concept.
Amalia: All right.
Question 1.
What does Galih offer?
- A. Designin a web
- B. Writing articles about teen's life
- C. Helping share web contents
- D. Informing a freelance job vacancy
- E. Writing an application letter for the job vacancy
Jawaban: A. Designing a web
Pertanyaan soal ini adalah "Apa yang Galih tawarkan ke Amalia?"Dalam dialog di atas diceritakan bahwa Galih menyarankan Amalia untuk melamar pekerjaan freelance sebagai content creators tetapi Amalia merasa dirinya hanya mampu menulis artikel dan tidak bisa membuat design website. Oleh sebab itu, Galih menawarkan dirinya untuk membuat design website karena dia mampu dalam hal itu. Kalimat offering yang diucapkan Galih berbunyi "Let me help you design the web and you make the content".
Question 2.
What is Amalia's ability?
- A. Web designing
- B. Content writing
- C. Digital marketing
- D. Content reviewing
- E. Program developing
Jawaban: B. Content writing
Soal ini menanyakan "Apakah keahlian Amalia?"
Sudah diterangkan dalam pembahasan question 1 bahwa Amalia mampu menulis artikel alias writing article, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat untuk soal nomor 2 ini adalah "content writing". Content writing merupakan keahlian seseorang dalam menulis konten di blog atau website.
Question 3.
What should people do to apply for the job?
- A. work in a team
- B. Read many web contents
- C. Advertise their products
- D. Download the application
- E. Upload the sample of a web content
Jawaban: E. Upload the sample of a web content
Soal ini menanyakan "apa yang mesti kita lakukan jika ingin melamar kerja posisi content creator?". Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E, upload the sample of a web content. Opsi E berarti kita mesti mengunggah contoh hasil portofolio web content yang telah kita buat. Penunjuk kalimat dalam dialog adalah pada ucapan Amalia, "We have to submit our work".
This dialog is for questions 4 to 7.
Dera: Where will you have an internship?
Aldi: I will have an internship at PT Megah Berkarya. And you?
Dera: I haven't got it. The proposals were declined.
Aldi: The Personnel Manager of PT Megah Berkarya said that she still opens an internship program, for students, so please make a new proposal. I will accompany you to meet her.
Dera: That's very kind of you. Thank you.
Aldi: No problem.
Question 4.
What are the speakers discussing?
- A. Looking for a job
- B. Applying for a job
- C. Declining a proposal
- D. Making a good proposal
- E. Attending an internship program
Jawaban: E. Attending an internship program
Soal ini menanyakan tentang topik yang dibicarakan oleh tokoh dalam dialog. Fokus pembahasan dialog ini lebih cenderung pada rencana untuk mengikuti program magang (internsip program). Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.
Question 5.
What does Aldi offer to Dera?
- A. To inform a job vacancy
- B. To write an internship proposal
- C. To give an example of a proposal
- D. To look for companies for an internship
- E. To accompany her to send a proposal
Jawaban: E. To accompany her to send a proposal (Menemaninya mengirimkan proposal).
Soal ini menanyakan "Apa yang Aldi tawarkan ke Dera?". Kalimat yang diucapkan oleh Aldi berbunyi, "I will you accompany you to meet her". Kalimat tersebut mengindikasikan untuk menawarkan bantuan dengan cara menemani Dera untuk bertemu Manager, dan kalau bertemu Manager otomatis harus membawa proposal.
Question 6.
What do Dera and Aldi do?
- A. Students
- B. Employers
- C. Job seekers
- D. Personnel Staff
- E. Personnel Managers
Jawaban: A. Students
Pembahasan: Pertanyaan dari soal ini adalah "Apa pekerjaan Dera dan Aldi?". Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah students alias pelajar. Dalam hal ini mereka sedang mencari tempat PKL alias magang. Berarti mereka adalah pelajar.
Question 7.
Dera said, "The proposals were declined".
What is the closest meaning of "declined"?
- A. Moved
- B. Refused
- C. Returned
- D. Reviewed
- E. Determined
Jawaban: B. Refused.
Pembahasan: Soal ini menanyakan sinonim kata "declined" atau "ditolak". Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. Refused.
This dialog is for questions 8 to 10.
Mrs. Nindy: Mr. Denny, have you finished preparing our presentation for tomorrow afternoon's meeting?
Mr. Deny: Not yet. I am making the PowerPoint and then I have to send it to the participants. I also have to print several documents.
Mrs. Nindy: I have finished my jobs. May I help you?
Mr. Deny: Thank you, but I can handle it. We still have time. I know you are tired after working overtime recently. You'd better go home and have a rest.
Mrs. Nindy: So, will you work overtime today?
Mr. Deny: yes, I will work overtime for about two hours, then I will continue it tomorrow morning.
Mrs. Nindy: Let me ask the office boy to make you a cup of tea.
Mr. Deny: No,thanks. I will call him later.
Mrs. Nindy: All right. I'm going home now. See you tomorrow.
Mr. Deny: See you.
Question 8.
Where does the dialog probably occur?
- A. At the gate
- B. In a lobby
- C. In a pantry
- D. In an office
- E. In a meeting room
Jawaban: D. In an office.
Soal ini menanyakan "dimana dialog ini terjadi?".
Istilah kata seperti "presentation", "powerpoint", "documents", "work overtime", "office boy" sering muncul dalam dunia perkantoran, otomatis istilah-istilah tersebut bisa menjadi kata kunci yang mengindikasikan bahwa dua tokoh ini adalah seorang karyawan atau staff yang tempat kerjanya di dalam ruangan kantor. Jadi jawabannya adalah D, in an office.
Question 9.
Why does Mr. Deny refuse Mrs. Nindy's offer?
- A. He can handle his job himself.
- B. He will go home with Mrs. Nindy.
- C. He will ask another staff to help him.
- D. He knows that Mrs. Nindy is in a hurry.
- E. He will deliver the jobs to Mrs. Nindy tomorrow.
Jawaban: A. He can handle his job himself.
Soal ini menanyakan "mengapa Bapak Deny menolak tawaran bantuan dari Ibu Nindy?". Jawaban yang tepat adalah A, He can handle his job himself (Dia dapat menangani pekerjaannya sendiri).
Question 10.
From the dialog we know that .... .
- A. Mr. Deny is busy with his jobs
- B. Mrs. Deny will work overtime
- C. Mr. Deny will return home early
- D. Mrs. Nindy is Mr. Deny's client
- E. Mr. Deny and Mrs. Nindy did a presentation
Jawaban: B. Mrs. Deny will work overtime
Pembahasan: Tipe soal ini, jawabannya dapat ditemukan secara tersurat (tertulis di dalam teks dialog). Perhatikan kuitipan dialog di bawah ini:
Mrs. Nindy: So, will you work overtime today? (Jadi, Anda hendak kerja lembur hari ini?)
Mr. Deny: yes, I will work overtime for about two hours, then I will continue it tomorrow morning. (Betul. Saya akan lembur sekitar 2 jam an lalu akan lanjut lagi besok pagi).
Overtime berarti lembur.
This dialog is for questions 11 to 13.
Customer representative: Good morning, Ma'am. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?
Mrs. Wanda: Good morning. Thank you. I lost my SIM card and I want to have a new one with the same phone number.
Customer representative: May I have your identity card, Ma'am?
Mrs. Wanda: Sure. Here you are.
Customer representative: Please wait a minute. I will check the data.
Mrs. Wanda: All right.
Customer representative: Ma'am, please fill in the form for re-registration.
Mrs. Wanda: All right. (After a moment) Here you are. I have done it.
Customer representative: Please wait a moment. I will activate your new card.
Mrs. Wanda: Sure.
Customer representative: Ma'am, this is your new card. You can use it after 24 hours. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Mrs. Wanda: No, thanks. How much should I pay?
Customer representative: Rp20,000.00, Ma'am/
Mrs. Wanda: Here you are.
Customer representative: Thank you, Ma'am.
Mrs. Wanda: You're welcome.
Question 11.
Why does the customer representative offer help in the opening of the conversation?
- A. Mrs. Wanda asks people to help her.
- B. Offering help is the customer representative's job.
- C. The customer representative likes helping others.
- D. Mrs. Wanda is confused with her problem.
- E. The customer representative sees that Mrs. Wanda is busy.
Jawaban: B. Offering help is the customer representative's job.
Soal ini menanyakan"Kenapa customer representative tiba-tiba menawarkan bantuan di awal percakapan?"
Customer representative adalah sebuah profesi yang tanggung jawab utamanya adalah membantu memecahkan masalah pelanggan. Seorang customer representative biasanya telah dilatih beberapa bulan untuk menguasai SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Salah satu SOP tersebut adalah mengucapkan kalimat menawarkan bantuan karena tugas utamanya adalah membantu. Di dalam pilihan jawaban tersebut, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B, offering help is the customer representative's job (menawarkan bantuan adalah pekerjaan seorang customer representative).
Question 12.
Why does Mrs. Wanda meet the customer representative?
- A. She will renew her lost SIM card.
- B. She will pay for her phone's bill.
- C. She will complain about the service.
- D. She will buy several new sim cards.
- E. She will change her phone number.
Jawaban: A. She will renew her lost SIM card.
Soal ini menanyakan "alasan Wanda menemui customer representative".
Perhatikan kutipan dialog di bawah ini dengan fokus pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal (bold)
Customer representative: Good morning, Ma'am. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?
Mrs. Wanda: Good morning. Thank you. I lost my SIM card and I want to have a new one with the same phone number.
Wanda kehilangan SIM Card, jadi dia bermaksud menemui customer representative untuk mengganti SIM Card yang hilang dengan nomor yang sama. Jadi pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A, she will renew her lost SIM card (Dia ingin memperbarui SIM cardnya yang hilang).
Question 13.
Customer representative asks, "What can I do for you?"
The underlined expression can be replaced with ...
- A. I will help you.
- B. May I help you?
- C. Let me help you.
- D. Do you need help?
- E. Do you mind if I help you?
Jawaban: B. May I help you?
Soal ini menginginkan jawaban yang memiliki persamaan arti dengan kalimat yang digarisbawahi, "What can I do for you". Secara kontekstual, seluruh pilihan jawaban tersebut termasuk expression of offering help (kalimat menawarkan bantuan), akan tetapi pola kalimat yang diinginkan adalah dalam bentuk kalimat tanya (interrogative). Ada dua pilihan bentuk kalimat tanya, yakni B dan D.
Pada kalimat D, kalimat tersebut mengabaikan penggunaan kata "any". Seharusnya kalimat tersebut tertulis Do you need any help?
Kalimat B, May I help you? secara grammatical sudah benar. Jadi kita pilih B.
This text is for questions 14 to 16.
Dear Mr. Erwan Santosa,
My name is Seila Indah Pratiwi and I am the manager of the Fotomarket company, one of the most renowned photo agencies in town for all kinds of commercial photographic studio.
We conducted photographic campaigns that have been successful in sales since we have professionals with extensive experiences and we have the latest tools of the moment.
Our creative team will offer the most innovative solutions for their advertising campaigns and be very please with the results. For a complete sample of our work for our services, please contact us at 08045756668.
Fotomarket 7/20/2022
to: PT Insan Madani
Question 14.
Why is the e-mail sent?
- A. To sell photo tools
- B. To show the sample photos
- C. To offer photography services
- D. To introduce a new photo agency
- E. To help the company review products
Jawaban: D.
Arti soal ini adalah "mengapa email ditulis?"
Seila Indah Pratiwi merupakan Manager Fotomarket Company, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam jasa photography. Dia mengirim email tentunya adalah untuk menawarkan jasa photography di perusahaan yang ia pimpin. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah C, to offer photography services.
Question 15.
What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
- A. Fotomarket informs its success.
- B. Fotomarket tells Mr. Erwan its contact person.
- C. Fotomarket shows the work team.
- D. Fotomarket greets the customer warmly.
- E. Fotomarket introduces its company profile.
Jawaban: A. Fotomarket informs its success.
Soal ini menanyakan "ide utama paragraph 2".
Paragraph 2 membahas tentang kesuksesan Fotomarket. Perhatikan kata kunci successful.
Question 16.
Why is PT Insan Madani a potential market?
- A. PT Insan Madani and Fotomarket have conducted partnership before.
- B. PT Insan Madani probably needs to advertise the product to increase sales.
- C. PT Insan Madani invited Fotomarket as its partner for photographic campaigns.
- D. PT Insan Madani has announced to hire a photo agency to advertise its products.
- E. PT Insan Madani is one of the most renowned photo agencies for commercial photos.
Jawaban: B. PT Insan Madani probably needs to advertise the product to increase sales.
Soal ini menanyakan "alasan kenapa PT Insan Madani menjadi terget pemasaran dari Fotomarket". Alasannya adalah karena PT Insan Madani ingin meningkatkan penjualannya melalui beriklan dan Fotomarket tentunya dapat menyajikan konsep periklanan yang menarik bagi PT Insan Madani. Jadi jawabannya adalah B.
This text is for questions 17 to 20.
A Proposal for Painting Services for the ABC Apartment Complex
Monday, July 26 at 07:15 AM
Colorful Painting <@colorfulpainting.com>
To: abcapartement@yahoo.co.id
Dear Mrs. Arlita Andari,
This e-mail is intended to formally propose painting services for the ABC Apartment Complex.
We have been successfully maintaining the painting services in more than 20 apartment complexes in Jakarta, for the past 10 years and would be happy to give testimonials from our customers.
A painting maintenance contract from us offers a significant savings compared to calling a painter every time there is a problem. It also takes the responsibility from your shoulders. We give you a 90-day-guarantee on labor.
I have attached a copy of the standard contract that gives an estimate for the cost. However, it can be modified to your specific requirements.
I would be happy to talk to you about our services and answer any questions. I can be reached at (021) 12345678 or @colourfulpainting.com.
Ganung Sukendro
Colourful Painting
Question 17.
What is the e-mail about?
- A. Selling paints
- B. Offering services
- C. An apartment for rent
- D. An apartment for sale
- E. A proposal of cleaning services
Jawaban: B. Offering services
Soal ini menginkan jawaban tentang topik teks. Dalam hal ini, teks dalam bentuk surat email. Email ini intinya adalah tentang penawaran jasa mengecat. Jadi B adalah jawaban paling tepat, offering services berarti menawrkan jasa.
Question 18.
From the e-mail we can conclude that ...
- A. Ganung Sukendro can only be reached on the phone.
- B. Colorful Painting has experiences in painting apartments.
- C. Colorful Painting provides a 30-day-guarantee on labor.
- D. Mrs. Arlita Andari gives the customer's reviews in the testimonial column.
- E. Mrs. Arlita Andari must visit Colorful Painting office to know the cost.
Jawaban: B. Colorful Painting has experiences in painting apartments.
Soal ini tentang informasi tersurat (tertulis di dalam teks). Perhatikan kutipan paragraph ke 2 ini:
We have been successfully maintaining the painting services in more than 20 apartment complexes in Jakarta, for the past 10 years and would be happy to give testimonials from our customers.
Pikiran utama (main idea) paragraph di atas menunjukkan bahwa Colorful Painting termasuk penyedia jasa cat apartement yang telah berpengalaman selama 10 tahun. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B, Colorful Painting has experiences in painting apartments (Colorful Painting berpengalaman dalam mengecat apartment).
Question 19.
What is expected from the e-mail?
- A. ABC Apartment management accepts the e-mail.
- B. ABC Apartment management approves the proposal.
- C. Ganung Sukendro sends an e-mail to Mrs. Arlita Andari.
- D. ABC Apartment management has a guarantee from the project.
- E. Mrs. Arlita Andari calls Colorful Painting to refuse the proposal.
Jawaban: B. ABC Apartment management approves the proposal.
Soal ini menanyakan, "Apa yang diharapkan dari penulisan e-mail ini?"
Jadi soal ini mengacu pada fungsi sosial (social function): tujuan (goal/purpose). Jawaban dapat ditemukan dari paragraph pertama (kalimat pembuka).
This e-mail is intended to formally propose painting services for the ABC Apartment Complex.
Kalimat tersebut menujukkan maksud atau tujuan menulis email adalah untuk mengajukan layanan pengecatan komplek apartement ABC. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah B, ABC Apartment management approves the proposal. (Management Apartement ABC menyetujui pengajuan "proposal")
Question 20.
"A painting maintenance contract from us offers a significant savings ..." (Paragraph 3).
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
- A. Urgent
- B. Intense
- C. Proper
- D. Valuable
- E. Sufficient
Jawaban: A. Urgent
Kisi-kisi soal ini adalah tentang kaidah bahasa (language features): sinonim. Yang ditanyakan adalah sinonim (persamaan arti kata) dari kata yang digaris bawahi (underlined), significant. Kata tersebut artinya sama dengan "urgent".
Fill in the blanks correctly.
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2.
Angga: Mira, what are you looking for?
Mira: I am looking for my SIM card slot. It fell when I wanted to place my memory card.
Angga: Let me help you find it.
Mira: Thank you.
Question 1.
The dialog is about ...
Jawaban: The missing SIM card.
Mira kehilangan SIM card ketika dia sedang mengganti memory card. Kemudian Mira menawarkan bantuan untuk menemukan SIM card yang hilang itu.
Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah the missing SIM card (SIM card yang hilang).
Question 2.
Angga offers to help Mira ...
Jawaban: finding SIM card.
Arti soal itu adalah "Angga menawarkan bantuan Mira untuk ...) jawaban yang tepat adalah finding SIM card (menemukan SIM card).
This text is for questions 3 to 5.
Dear Sir,
My catering company can help you lower the cost of your events by 50 percent and provide healthy and hygienic meals to your employees. We provide delicious meals at half the cost because we use fresh, local ingredients. I believe we can give you substantial savings on the employees' meals and every event.
I would be happy to meet you and go over menus for several different types of meals and snacks and show you how we provide quality food at reduced prices. I have been in the catering business for 10 years and have 15 repeat customers every year. We'll provide every option including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free.
Please call me at 081234567890 or reply this e-mail and I will be happy to meet you at a time that is convenient for you.
Anandita Wiratama
Yummy Catering 7/18/2022
to: CV SKE
Question 3.
The email is about ...
Jawaban: offering services
Arti soal ini adalah,"topik email ini adalah ...". Jawaban yang tepat adalah offering services (menawarkan jasa). Anandita Wiratama mengirimkan email yang isinya tentang penawaran jasa catering dengan menu makanan sehat.
Question 4.
The email is addressed to ...
Jawaban: CV SKE
Arti soal ini adalah, "email ini ditujuan kepada ...". Jawabannya adalah CV SKE. Jawaban dapat ditemukan di bagian paling bawah surat, to: CV SKE (kepada CV SKE).
Question 5.
Through the e-mail, the sender expects that ...
Jawaban: CV SKE contacts the sender to meet and offer the menus.
Arti soal ini adalah, "Melalui email ini, pengirim email berharap ...". Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah CV SKE contacts the sender to meet and offer the menus (CV SKE menghubungi pengirim e-mail untuk bertemu dan menawarkan menu).
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