Soal Job Application Letter Bahasa Inggris-ekowahyudi.my.id |
Pada kurikulum 2013, kelas XII SMA dan SMK terdapat materi pembelajaran tentang surat lamaran kerja (job application letter). Materi ini diajarkan tentunya karena pertimbangan buat langkah ke depan lulusan untuk mempersiapkan diri mereka dalam melamar pekerjaan. Jadi peserta didik diharapkan mampu memahami dan menguasai kompetensi surat lamaran kerja dengan baik. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya menyajikan contoh soal job application letters yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi siswa kelas 12 untuk menguji seberapa jauh kalian memahami berbagai jenis informasi di dalam surat lamaran kerja (job application letter). Selamat belajar.
This text is is for questions 1 and 2.
Dear Mr. Louis,
I would like to apply for the position of Fashion Designer posted on your company's website.
I have attached my application letter, resume, examples of my design as you wish, and other documents for your review. I had experiences of designing a lot of fashion products when I was at senior high school and university. I am a member of a young designer association in the city. I believe that my qualification suits the advertised position.
I can be contacted at 0901398567345 or dana_purnama@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you about scheduling a selection test or interview.
Yours sincerely,
Sadana Putra Purnama
Question 1.
How did Sadana find out about the job vacancy?
- A. From a friend
- B. From his e-mail
- C. From a newspaper
- D. From Mr. Louis' recommendation
- E. From Mr. Louis' company website
Jawaban: E. From Mr. Louis' company website
Arti soal ini adalah, "Bagaimana Sadana bisa menemukan iklan lowongan kerja?". Perhatikan kalimat 1, paragraph 1. I would like to apply for the position of Fashion Designer posted on your company's website yang artinya "Saya bermaksud melamar kerja untuk jabatan sabagai perancang busana seperti yang dimuat di website perusahaan Anda". Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah E, From Mr. Louis' company website (dari website perusahaan Louis)
Question 2.
Why does Sadana attach his designs?
- A. To sell them to customers.
- B. To make his designs popular.
- C. To complete the requirements.
- D. To show them to other applicants.
- E. To prove that he is a famous designer.
Jawaban: C. To complete the requirements.
Dalam teks tertulis kalimat I have attached my application letter, resume, examples of my design as you wish, ... yang artinya "Saya telah melampirkan surat lamaran kerja, daftar riwayat hidup, dan contoh design seperti yang Anda inginkan..." kata kuncinya adalah as you wish (seperti yang Anda inginkan) yang mengindikasikan bahwa di dalam job vacancy (iklan surat lamaran kerja) memuat requirements (syarat) untuk melampirkan contoh design. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C, To complete the requirements (untuk melengkapi persyaratan).
This text is for questions 3 to 5.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to express my interest in position as housekeeper in your hotel. I graduated from a senior high school and studied at LPK Mampu majoring in hospitality as the best graduate last year. Working for a hotel as a housekeeper is my dream.
I enclosed my application letter, resume, and other documents on the attachment. I believe I am as strong candidate for the position.
Please contact me on 081234566789 or at oceania.tania@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Oceania Tania Sara
Question 3.
What position does Tania apply for?
- A. A manager
- B. A housekeeper
- C. A chef
- D. Front office staff
- E. A waiter
Jawaban: B. A housekeeper
Soal ini terkait pencarian informasi tersurat (tertulis di dalam teks). What position does Tania apply for? artinya "Jabatan apa yang dilamar oleh Tania?". Jawaban ditemukan di paragraph 1, kalimat 1, I would like to express my interest in position as housekeeper in your hotel. (Saya bermaksud untuk melamar kerja di jabatan housekeeper di hotel yang Anda pimpin).
Question 4.
What did Tania learn at senior high school?
- A. Culinary
- B. Fashion
- C. Hospitality
- D. Food and Beverage Service
- E. Management
Jawaban: C. Hospitality
Jawaban dapat ditemukan secara tersurat (di dalam teks). I graduated from a senior high school and studied at LPK Mampu majoring in hospitality as the best graduate last year. (Paragraph 1, kalimat 2).
Question 5.
What will Tania probably put as the enclosure?
- A. The copy of her employee card.
- B. A list of tools used in hospitality service.
- C. Estimated service tips.
- D. Her certificates of training.
- E. A report of hotel room damage.
Jawaban: D. Her certificates of training.
Terjemahan dari soal ini adalah, "Apa yang akan Tania sertakan sebagai lampiran?"
Jawaban dapat ditemukan dari kalimat berikut ini, "I enclosed my application letter, resume, and other documents on the attachment. " Perhatikan phrasa dicetak tebal, other documents, yang berarti "dokumen lain". Other documents, salah satu contohnya bisa berupa dokumen sertifikat pelatihan (certificates of training).
This text is for questions 6 to 9.
Gemala Wijaya
Jl. Kemenangan no. 20A
August 30, 2021
H.R. Manager
PT Johan and Levi clothing
Jl. Seroja Barat no. 136
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for the post of Embroidery Quality Control Staff, as advertised on your social media account.
I graduated from SMA Karya Pahlawan. I attended a sewing course at LPK Harapan Bumi for three months to gain skills and knowledge about sewing. Having a year work experience as Sewing Production Staff at PT Busana Kita has improved my skills at sewing. Then, I worked as an operator of embroidery machines for two years using both mechanical and electronic embroidery machines. My duty was to input embroidery designs and operate the embroidery machines before the fabrics were sewed by sewing staffs. Therefore, I am familiar with embroidery machines.
I am highly motivated and a fast learner. I am able to work under pressure both in a team and individually. I believe I am well qualified for the position.
I am available for an interview any time. I can be contacted by phone at 081234567890 or email gemala_333@yahoo.co.id. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Gemala Wijaya
Question 6.
What is the vacancy offered?
- A. A production manager
- B. A quality controller
- C. Sewing Production Staff
- D. A quality control manager
- E. An embroidery machine technician
Jawaban: B. A quality controller.
Terjemahan dari soal ini adalah, "Iklan lowongan kerja ini menawarkan jabatan apa untuk dilamar?". Jawaban paling tepat adalah B, a quality controller. Jawaban dapat ditemukan dari kalimat: I am writing to apply for the post of Embroidery Quality Control Staff, as advertised on your social media account. Perhatikan phrasa yang dicetak tebal!
Question 7.
Where did the applicant learn embroidery?
- A. At home
- B. At school
- C. At PT Busana Kita
- D. At LPK Harapan Bumi
- E. At PT Johan and Levi Apparel
Jawaban: C. At PT Busana Kita
Terjemahan soal ini adalah, "Dimana pelamar kerja mempelajari embroidery?. Dia pernah bekerja di PT Busana Kita sebagai Sewing Production Staff. Dari perusahaan tersebut, dia memperoleh berbagai pengalaman dan keterampilan, salah satunya adalah mampu menginput design embroidery dan mengoperasikan mesin embroidery. Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah D.
Question 8.
From the letter we can conclude that Gemala ... .
- A. is a fresh graduate
- B. is suitable for the position
- C. is able to only work individually
- D. has worked for a national company for years
- E. will send the letter to the company via e-mail
Jawaban: B. is suitable for the position
Terjemahan soal ini adalah, "Dari surat ini, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Gemala ..."
Jawaban yang tepat adalah B, yang artinya "sesuai dengan jabatan yang ia lamar." Buktinya adalah dia memiliki pengalaman kerja sesuai dengan jabatan yang ia lamar dan memiliki sertifikat pelatihan yang relevant.
Question 9.
What is the requirement for the position?
- A. Be familiar with sewing machines.
- B. Understand various types of embroidery.
- C. Understand how to input computer designs.
- D. Know how to operate embroidery machines.
- E. Know how to repair embroidery machine problems.
Jawaban: D. Know how to operate embroidery machines.
Terjemahan soal ini adalah, "Apakah syarat untuk melamar jabatan Embroidery Quality Control Staff?"
Jawabannya adalah know how to operate embroidery machines (tahu bagaimana cara mengoperasikan mesin embroidery).
This text is for questions 10 to 13.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to an announcement recently posted on Sehat Waluyo Hospital's website about employment opportunities for new psychotherapist graduates. As you can see on my resume, I am a fresh graduate from STIKES Mulia Agung majoring in Physiotherapy in May 2021.
During my internship, I had opportunities to work for several settings, including doing treatment of injury and using muscle stimulation devices. My experiences enable me to develop strong skills that prepare me well for the challenges. In addition to my physiotherapist skills, I have developed my leadership skills through campus involvement. As the president of the National Student Physiotherapy Association, I held several community service activities, including a forum discussion about physical therapy. Our organization also created a program that provided first aid training to people in the area.
I am very interested in commencing my physiotherapist career at Sehat Waluyo Hospital and believe that my skills and experience prepare me very well. I can be reached by phone and e-mail.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Fahrani Sekar Utami
Fahrani Sekar Utami
Perum Graha Fajar Blok F no. 4
Resume.pdf (526K)
Certificate.jpg (938K)
Identity Card.jpg (745K)
Reference.jpg (395K)
Question 10.
What is the letter about?
- A. Offering job
- B. Applying for a job
- C. Explaining one's skills
- D. Stating one's career objective
- E. Informing about one's education
Jawaban: B. Applying for a job
What is the letter about? (Surat di atas isinya tentang apa?)
Letter (surat) di atas termasuk jenis surat lamaran kerja (job application letter), jadi fungsinya adalah untuk melamar suatu pekerjaan (applying for a job). Jawaban paling tepat adalah B.
Question 11.
How did Fahrani gain her pharmacy experience at hospital?
- A. By attending an internship
- B. By working for Sehat Waluyo Hospital
- C. By following forum discussions
- D. By holding community service activities
- E. By joining the National Student Physiotherapy Association
Jawaban: A. By attending an internship.
Terjemahan soal ini adalah, "Bagaimana Fahrani bisa memperoleh pengalaman farmasi di rumah sakit?". Jawaban paling tepat adalah dengan mengikuti kegiatan magang (by attending an internship). Jawaban paling tepat adalah B. Untuk A, C, D, dan E lebih mengembangkan kecakapan kepemimpinan (leadership).
Question 12.
Why does Fahrani meet the requirements?
- A. She is excellent at leadership.
- B. She is active at community service activities.
- C. She became the president of a student's association.
- D. Her educational background matches the vacant job.
- E. She has created a program that provides first aid training.
Jawaban: D. Her educational background matches the vacant job.
Terjemahan dari pertanyaan ini adalah, "Kenapa Fahrani bisa dikatakan memenuhi syarat untuk posisi yang dilamar?"
Dari opsi A, B, C, D, dan E jawaban yang bisa mencakup secara keseluruhan syarat Fahrani adalah karena latar belakang pendidikannya sesuai dengan iklan lowongan kerja (Her educational background matches the vacant job). Jadi jawaban paling tepat adalah D.
Question 13.
What does Fahrani hope for?
- A. She can work for Sehat Waluyo Hospital.
- B. She will graduate in May 2021.
- C. She can send her application letter.
- D. The employer accepts her as an internship student.
- E. The employer opens a new job vacancy for physiotherapy graduates.
Jawaban: A. She can work for Sehat Waluyo Hospital.
Terjemahan pertanyaan ini adalah, "Apa yang Fahrani harapkan?"
Tentu saja dia sangat mengharapkan agar bisa bekerja di Rumah Sakit Sehat Waluyo (She can work for Sehat Waluyo Hospital). Jadi A adalah jawaban paling tepat.
This text is for questions 14 to 17.
Rinto Sailendra
Jl. Soka no. 3
September 4, 2022
Mr. Bondan Pratama
Personnel Manager
Cahaya Ulung
Jl. Damai Bangsa no. 102
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for the position of Mechanic for Scooters posted on your company's social media. As requested, I enclose my resume and other documents in my attachments.
I graduated from Mechanic Engineering of Bangsa University in 2019. I have experiences in handling projects with tight schedules, under pressure, and team work. I am proficient in repairing scooter problems and I would be able to impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for professional growth with your company.
I would appreciate an opportunity to have an interview. I can be reached by phone at 08123456789.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Rinto Sailendra
Question 14.
Why does Rinto send the letter to Mr. Bondan Pratama?
- A. Because Mr. Bondan is the owner.
- B. Because Mr. Bondan decides what job is vacant.
- C. Because Mr. Bondan is the engineer supervisor.
- D. Because Mr. Bondan is in charge of hiring people.
- E. Because Mr. Bondan needs information from Rinto.
Jawaban: D. Because Mr. Bondan is in charge of hiring people.
Terjemahan soal ini adalah, "Kenapa Rinto mengirim surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Bpk. Bondan Pratama?"
Bpk. Bondan Pratama memiliki jabatan sebagai Personnel Manager atau Pimpinan Sumber Daya Manusia, yang salah satu tanggung jawabnya adalah fokus pada rekrutment tenaga kerja. Jadi D adalah jawaban paling tepat.
Question 15.
From the letter we can conclude that ...
- A. the applicant is good at repairing scooter.
- B. the applicant can work well, individually.
- C. the job vacancy is advertised in a newspaper.
- D. the interview invitation can be sent via e-mail.
- E. the applicant is a fresh graduate.
Jawaban: A. the applicant is good at repairing scooter.
Terjemahan dari pertanyaan ini adalah, "Berdasarkan surat di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa ..."
Kisi-kisi soal ini adalah tentang informasi tersirat. Dikatakan bahwa dia mampu memperbaiki permasalahan skuter (I am proficient in repairing scooter problems ), pilihan jawaban yang rerlevant dengan kalimat tersebut adalah pada opsi A.
Question 16.
What is paragraph three about?
- A. The applicant's skills.
- B. The offered job vacancy.
- C. The enclosed documents.
- D. The applicant's educational background.
- E. The applicant's wish to have an interview.
Jawaban: E. The applicant's wish to have an interview.
Pertanyaan ini menanyakan main idea (gagasan utama) dari paragraph 3. Paragraph 3 menjelaskan harapan pelamar kerja untuk bisa diundang pada sesi test berikutnya, yakni tes wawancara. Jadi E adalah jawaban paling tepat. The applicant's wish to have an interview (harapan pelamar kerja untuk diundang tes wawancara).
Question 17.
"I would be able to impart my skills ..." (Paragraph 2).
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
- A. Reach
- B. Invoke
- C. Acquire
- D. Present
- E. exhaust
Jawaban: D. Present
Soal ini menanyakan sinonim (persamaan arti kata) yang digaris bawahi, impart. Jawaban paling tepat adalah D, present.
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