Soal Phone Call Messages dengan Jawaban: Kelas XI SMA/SMK Semester 1

Phone Call Messages Eko Wahyudi

Soal Phone Call Messages dengan Kunci


Pada kelas XI semester gasal (1), terdapat materi pembelajaran tentang phone call messages. Pada materi ini, kamu akan belajar tentang bagaimana bercakap melalui media telephone dengan baik dan benar. Adapun kompetensi belajar ini adalah memahami dan menerapkan struktur urutan dalam bertelepon dengan baik dan benar, mampu memberi dan merespon ucapan salam, mampu mengucapkan number dengan benar, mampu menyampaikan informasi dengan benar, mampu menawarkan bantuan dengan benar, mampu menyampaikan identitas diri dengan benar, mampu mengucapkan kalimat meninggalkan pesan dengan benar, dan mampu menutup salam dengan benar. 

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ungkapan meminta informasi terkait pesan telepon

2. Siswa dapat menyapa dan merespon ketika telepon berlangsung

3. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat meninggalkan pesan telepon

4. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat penutup ketika kegiatan bertelpon akan berakhir 

Dalam dunia kerja atau bisnis, panggilan telepon memegang peran penting. Telepon memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan berbagai hal, seperti memesan barang atau jasa, membuat perjanjian, mengatur ulang jadwal pertemuan, dan masih banyak lagi, tanpa harus bertatap muka secara langsung.

1. Receiving a phone call (menerima panggilan telepon)

Bacalah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.

  • Good morning. Zenshin Robotics. Agung Kusrendra speaking. What can I do for you?
  • Good morning. Zenshin Robotics. Agung Kusrendra speaking. How can I help you?

Kedua kalimat di atas adalah ucapan menerima panggilan telepon. 

Kamu bisa menggunakan aturan di bawah ini dalam menerima panggilan telepon

1. Greet the caller (menyapa orang yang menelepon).

Contohnya: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 

2. State your company's name (menyatakan nama perusahaan mu).

Contohnya: Zenshin Robotics. Gaoming Software. 

3. Mention your name (sebutkan namamu)

COntohnya: Agung Kusrendra speaking. It's Rendra Wijaya. 

4. Offer an assistance (Menawarkan bantuan).

Contohnya: What can I do for you? How can I help you?

Pelajari contoh lain ucapan yang digunakan untuk menerima panggilan telepon di kotak berikut ini. 

  • Good afternoon. Gebouw Constructions. My name is Zack Cullen. What can I do for you?
  • Good morning. Gloss Tirage Corporation. This is Susan Yang. May I help you?
  • Good afternoon.Galvia Apparel. Sabrina speaking. How can I help you?

2. Making a Phone Call (Menelepon)

Baca kalimat berikut ini. 

  • Good morning, Mr. Kusrendra. This is Niken. ... By the way, I'm calling because I need information about Delta Projects. Is Mr. Haris around?
  • Good afternoon. This is Andre Wijaya  from Gaoming Software. I'd like to speak to Mrs. Priyanka, please. 

Kalimat di atas merupakan ucapan yang digunakan untuk menelepon. 

Kamu bisa menggunakan aturan di bawah ini ketika menelepon seseorang. 

1. Greet the receiver (menyapa orang yang menerima telepon). 

Contohnya: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 

2. Mention yor name and/or company's name (sebutkan namamu atau nama perusahaanmu)

Contohnya: This is Niken. This is Andre Wijaya from Goaming Software. 

3. State your reason for making a call. (Menyatakan alasan kamu menelepon). 

Contohnya: By the way, I'm calling because I need information about Delta Projects. 

I'd like to speak to Mrs. Priyanka Sucipto, please.

Dengan mengikuti aturan-aturan tersebut, kamu akan dapat mengatur dan menerima panggilan telepon dengan lebih profesional, membantu membangun hubungan yang baik dalam dunia kerja dan bisnis.


Fill the blanks with the correct answer by choosing words or phrases in the box

Anita: 1. .............. .Is this Mr. Irham Prasetya?

Irham: Good afternoon. Yes I am. 2...............?

Anita: I am Anita from Bentang Ilmu Publishing. 3.............. that your script has passed the selection. I have tried to reach you at your e-mail two days ago, but it seems you don’t open it, yet.

Irham: Oh, really? I can hardly believe it. I am sorry. I 4. .............. my e-mail password and it couldn’t be recovered, yet.

Anita: No problem. Following up the selection, discuss your novel publishing. We have scheduled it on October 15th, 2022. 6. ..............?

Irham: Sure. So, what time should I  7. ..............?

Anita: You have to come at 8 a.m. Please wear formal suit.

Irham: Okay, I’ll remember that.

a. come                                d. We would like to inform you                  g. We would like to invite you

b. Good afternoon.         e. Can you attend this meeting                  h. Who is speaking there?


Based on the TASK 1, now answer these questions correctly.

1. Who are the participants in the dialog?

2. Why does Anita call?

3. What does Anita want Irham to do?

4. When will the meeting be held?

5. What suit should Irham wear in the meeting? 


Arrange this sentences into a good order in the form of dialog.

 Mr. Kusrendra: I’m good, thanks.

Ms. Niken: Good morning, Mr. Kurendra. This is Niken.

Ms. Kurendra: Okay. Please hold the line. I’ll check if he’s available at the moment.

Ms. Niken: Pretty good, thanks. How about you?

Mr. Kusrendra: Hi, Niken. How’s it going?

Ms. Niken: Sure. Thanks.

Mr. Kusrendra: Good morning. Zenshin Robotics. Agung Kusrendra speaking. What can I do for you?

Ms. Niken: By the way, I’m calling because I need information about Delta Projects. Is Mr. Haris around?


Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the best answer!
1. Mr Arfian: Good afternoon. May I speak to Mrs. Dini?
    Secretary: ...?
a. May I have your name, please?
b. May I have your number?
c. Can I help you?
d. The line is busy?
e. Could you please take my message?

2. Which one is the expression of receiving a business call?
a. Hello, it's Natalia.
b. Good morning, with Go Company. May I help you?
c. Hi, what's up?
d. Could you leave me a message?
e. Holla, who's there?

3. Secretary: Good morning. Multi company. Can I help you?
    Mr. Rega: ...
a. May I speak to Mr. Rega?
b. Thank you for taking my message.
c. Could you take my message for Mr. Candra?
d. Sorry the line is busy.
e. Could you put me through to Mr. Candra?

4. A: Joy Dental clinic. ...?
   B: Can I speak to Mr. Sam? I need to reschedule my appointment for dental root canal treatment. 
a. Can you help me?
b. What can I help you?
c. What should I do?
d. Can you hear me?
e. Are you there?

5. A: Good morning. Sunshine Corp. Can I help you?
    B: ... 
a. May I help you?
b. Could you take my message to Mr. Damar?
c. May I speak to Mr. Damar?
d. Thank you for taking my message.
e. Who's speaking, please?



Anita: 1. Good afternoon .Is this Mr. Irham Prasetya?

Irham: Good afternoon. Yes I am. 2. Who’s speaking there?

Anita: I am Anita from Bentang Ilmu Publishing. 3We would like to inform you that your script has passed the selection. I have tried to reach you at your e-mail two days ago, but it seems you don’t open it, yet.

Irham: Oh, really? I can hardly believe it. I am sorry. I 4. forgot my e-mail password and it couldn’t be recovered, yet.

Anita: No problem. Following up the selection, 5We would like to invite you to discuss your novel publishing. We have scheduled it on October 15th, 2022. 6. Can you attend this meeting?

Irham: Sure. So, what time should I  7. come?

Anita: You have to come at 8 a.m. Please wear formal suit.

Irham: Okay, I’ll remember that.


  1. Anita and Irham
  2. To discuss his novel publishing since his novel script has passed the selection
  3. To invite her to the office
  4.  October 15th, 2022
  5. Formal suit


Mr. Kusrendra: Good morning. Zenshin Robotics. Agung Kusrendra speaking. What can I do for you?

Ms. Niken: Good morning, Mr. Kurendra. This is Niken.

Mr. Kusrendra: Hi, Niken. How’s it going?

Ms. Niken: Pretty good, thanks. How about you?

Mr. Kusrendra: I’m good, thanks.

Ms. Niken: By the way, I’m calling because I need information about Delta Projects. Is Mr. Haris around?

Ms. Kurendra: Okay. Please hold the line. I’ll check if he’s available at the moment.

Ms. Niken: Sure. Thanks.



1. a

2. b

3. e

4. b

5. c

      Baca Juga:

Apakah kamu merasa kesulitan atau bingung dalam memahami materi di atas? Atau mungkin kamu memiliki tugas bahasa Inggris yang tampaknya sulit untuk dikerjakan? Jangan khawatir, saya punya solusinya.
Saya, seorang profesional di bidang bahasa Inggrus, siap membantu kamu mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Saya menawarkan layanan joki yang khusus mengerjakan berbagai jenis tugas terkait bahasa Inggris dengan penuh kompetensi. Segera pesan layanan kami dengan mudah. Cukup klik tombol "WA" yang terletak di pojok kanan bawah situs web ini, dan kamu akan terhubung dengan admin kami. Kami akan memberikan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu, sehingga kamu dapat meraih kesuksesan dalam tugas bahasa Inggrismu. Jangan biarkan kesulitan menghambat pencapaianmu, kami di sini untuk membantu.

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