Contoh Analisis Factual Report Text

Di internet telah bertebaran penjelasan tentang apa itu factual report (definition), kaidah bahasa (language features), dan struktur teks (text structure) dari factual report. Di sini, saya akan memberi sedikit saja ulasan penjelasan tentang hal-hal yang telah saya sebutkan tadi, dan akan lebih menekankan (fokus) pada hasil analisis factual report text.

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Read the following factual report text!

A flood is a natural disaster which often affects Indonesia, especially during rainy seasons.

It is a natural event or occurrence where a piece of land (or area) that is usually dry, suddenly gets submerged under water. Floods occur at irregular intervals and vary in size, duration and affected areas.

Floods can occur suddenly and recede quickly. A few take days or even months to build and discharge. It is important to note that water naturally flows from high areas to low lying areas. This means low-lying areas may flood quickly, getting to higher ground.

There are three major flood types, i.e. flash, rapid on-set and slow on-set floods. Flash floods occur within a very short time (2-6 hours and sometimes within minutes) and is usually a result of heavy rain, dam break or melting snow. Flash floods are the most destructive and can be fatal, as people are usually taken by surprise. There is usually no warning, no preparation and the impact can be very swift and devastating. Rapid on-set floods take slightly longer to develop and the flood lasts for a day or two only. They are also very destructive and do not usually surprise people like flash floods. Slow on-set floods are usually a result of water bodies over flooding their banks. They tend to develop slowly and last for days or weeks. They usually spread over many kilometers and occur more in flood plains (fields prone to floods in a low-lying areas). The effect of this kind of flood on people is more likely to cause diseases, malnutrition, or snakebites.

Floods can have devastating consequences and effects on the economy, environment, and people. During floods (especially flash floods), roads, bridges, farms, houses and automobiles are destroyed. People become homeless. The environment also suffers when floods occur. Chemicals and other hazardous substances end up in water and eventually contaminate the water bodies that end up in floods. Additionally, floods kill animals and other insects are introduced to affected areas, distorting the natural balance of the ecosystem. To make matters worse, many people are killed or injured in flash floods. Water supply and electricity are also disrupted.

Floods are natural events caused by heavy rainfalls for a long period. We cannot stop the rains from falling or stop flowing surface water from bursting its banks, but we can do something to prevent them from having great impacts, such as never littering and cutting trees.

Adopted from: (October 31, 2019)

Penjelasan Singkat.

The above text is a factual report text. The purpose of a factual report text is to describe things the way they are. A report has a logical sequence of facts that are stated without any personal involvement (personal opinion) from the writer. The writer may use long and complex sentences. The structure of a report text consists of:

Teks di atas merupakan "factual report text". Tujuan dari penulisan factual report text adalah untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu hal apa adanya. Factual report text memiliki uraian fakta-fakta yang disusun secara logis tanpa adanya unsur pendapat pribadi dari penulis teks. Penulis bisa menggunkan kalimat yang kompleks dan panjang. Struktur dari factual report teks meliputi:

introduction/general classification: talking about what the phenomenon is.

Perkenalan/ klasifikasi umum: membicarakan tentang penomena yang terjadi.

description: describing what the phenomenon is like in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors (if living) and uses (if non-natural). It also classifies information.

Deskripsi: mendeskripsikan seperti apa penomena tersebut, bisa dideskripsikan dari sisi bagian-bagiannya, kebiasaan atau sikapnya (jika yang dideskripsikan adalah makhluk hidup) dan manfaatnya (jika bukan alam). Bagian ini juga mengklasifikasikan informasi.

closing statement (optional): concluding or giving additional information.
Penutup (Tidak wajib): menyimpulkan dan memberi informasi tambahan.

Analysis of the Language Features of Factual Report Text.

The usage of simple present tense.

The simple present tense predominant the factual report text.
  • A flood is a natural disaster which often affects Indonesia, especially during rainy seasons.
  • Floods occur at irregular intervals and vary in size, duration and affected areas.
  • Floods can have devastating consequences and effects on the economy, environment, and people.

The usage of active voice.

Additionally, floods kill animals and other insects are introduced to affected areas, distorting the natural balance of the ecosystem.

Baca Juga:

The usage of passive voice.

  • Additionally, floods kill animals and other insects are introduced to affected areas, distorting the natural balance of the ecosystem.
  • To make matters worse, many people are killed or injured in flash floods.

Analysis Text Structure of Factual Report

Analysis Text Structure of Factual Report Bahasa Inggris

Analysis Text Structure of Factual Report Bahasa Inggris


General Classification Description Closing Statement
Paragaraph 1 Paragaraph 2,3,4,5 Paragraph 6
A flood is a natural disaster which often affects Indonesia, especially during rainy seasons. Floods can occur suddenly and recede quickly. A few take days or even months to build and discharge. It is important to note that water naturally flows from high areas to low lying areas. This means low-lying areas may flood quickly, getting to higher ground. There are three major flood types, i.e. flash, rapid on-set and slow on-set floods. Flash floods occur within a very short time (2-6 hours and sometimes within minutes) and is usually a result of heavy rain, dam break or melting snow. Flash floods are the most destructive and can be fatal, as people are usually taken by surprise. There is usually no warning, no preparation and the impact can be very swift and devastating. Rapid on-set floods take slightly longer to develop and the flood lasts for a day or two only. They are also very destructive and do not usually surprise people like flash floods. Slow on-set floods are usually a result of water bodies over flooding their banks. They tend to develop slowly and last for days or weeks. They usually spread over many kilometers and occur more in flood plains (fields prone to floods in a low-lying areas). The effect of this kind of flood on people is more likely to cause diseases, malnutrition, or snakebites. Floods can have devastating consequences and effects on the economy, environment, and people. During floods (especially flash floods), roads, bridges, farms, houses and automobiles are destroyed. People become homeless. The environment also suffers when floods occur. Chemicals and other hazardous substances end up in water and eventually contaminate the water bodies that end up in floods. Additionally, floods kill animals and other insects are introduced to affected areas, distorting the natural balance of the ecosystem. To make matters worse, many people are killed or injured in flash floods. Water supply and electricity are also disrupted. Floods are natural events caused by heavy rainfalls for a long period. We cannot stop the rains from falling or stop flowing surface water from bursting its banks, but we can do something to prevent them from having great impacts, such as never littering and cutting trees.

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