Tugas Menganalisis Suggestion Offer Kelas XI Beserta dengan Pembahasannya


Tugas Analisis Suggestion Offer Kelas XI-ekowahyudi.my.id

Tugas Analisis Suggestion Offer Kelas XI-ekowahyudi.my.id

Hello semuanya. How is it going today? Hope you are okay. 

Pada kesempatan kali ini Mr. Eko akan memberi contoh tugas menganalisis expression of suggestion and offer yang disertai dengan kunci jawaban alias pembahasan. 

Semoga postingan ini bermanfaat buat kamu. 

Materi Pembelajaran: Suggestion and Offer 

Tingkat: SMA/ SMK 

Kelas/ Semester: XI/ Gasal

Watch the video, then answer the questions.



  1. Based on the video above, rewrite the sentences in the form of dialog!
  2. Who are the participants in the video?
  3. Where does the conversation take place?
  4. Based on the video, rewrite the sentences which show asking for suggestion, giving suggestion, and declining or accepting suggestion.
  5. Based on the video, rewrite the sentences which show asking for offer, giving offer, and declining or accepting offer. 


1. Answer:                                                                                                            

Freya : Hi, Dad. Are you bussy? 

Father : Yes, dear. What’s up? 

Freya : There will be long weekend next week, Dad. How about having vacation? 

Father : Okay. Where are we going to go? Any idea? 

Freya : Yeah. What if we go to the beach? 

Father : That’s a good idea. Let’s swim and ride banana boat.

Freya : Riding a banana boat? Oh no, Dad. I cannot swim. I prefer enjoy the view and build the sand castle with brother John. 

Father : Okay. Okay.  Let’s have fun. 

Freya : Thanks dad. You can continue your work. 

Father : Alright. 


A week later. 

Father : Are you ready dear? 

Freya : Yes, Dad. Let’s go. Dad, can we stop in a mini market? I’m going to buy mineral water and some snacks. 

Father : Okay, dear. Here we are. 

Shopkeeper: May I help you, Miss? 

Freya: Yes, please. Where can I find ABC mineral water? 

Shopkeeper: It’s in the freezer, miss. 

Freya: But I don’t want the cold one. 

Shopkeeper: Oh you can take it in the shelf number two. 

Freya: Thanks. 

Shopkeeper: Is there anything else miss? 

Freya: No, sir. 

Shopkeeper: You buy a lot of snacks. Are you going to have a long trip? 

Freya: Yes. I am going to the beach. 

Shopkeeper: Oh, have you brought your sun block? 

Freya: Oh, no. I forget it. Can I get sun block here? 

Shopkeeper: Sure. It’s a new product from sun protection. You should try, miss. It’s only 10 dollars. 

Freya: Okay I’ll take it. Is there anything special offer? 

Shopkeeper: You should buy two bottles to get 25% discount. 

Freya: Oh, okay. I will take two two bottles please. 

Shopkeeper: Thank you, miss. 

Freya: You’re welcome. 

An hour later. 

Father: It is really a bright day. Let’s swim, Freya. 

Freya: Wait Dad. We should wear a sun block first. I dont want to get a sun burn. 

Father: Okay. Where is your brother? You said that he would come too. 

Freya: He will come soon, Dad. He said that he would pick his friends. 

Father: Oh, I see. I will go swimming first. 

Freya: Have fun, Dad. 

2. Answer: 

Father, Freya, and Shopkeeper. 

3. Answer: 

At home (office home), in the car, in the mini market, and at beach. 

4. Answer: 

Baca Juga: 

Hasil Analisis Soal Nomor 4 Jawaban Nomor 4
Asking for Suggestion Giving Suggestion Accepting Suggestion Declining Suggestion
- How about having vacation? Okay -
Where are we going to go? Any idea? What if we go to the beach? That’s a good idea. -
- Let’s swim and ride banana boat. - Oh no, Dad. I cannot swim. I prefer enjoy the view and build the sand castle with brother John.
- You can continue your work. Alright. -
- Dad, can we stop in a mini market? Okay, dear. Here we are. -
- Oh you can take it in the shelf number two. Thanks. -
- You should try, miss. Okay I’ll take it. -
- You should buy two bottles to get 25% discount. Oh, okay. I will take two two bottles please. -
- Let’s swim, Freya. - Wait, Dad.
- We should wear a sun block first. Okay -
Hasil Analisis Nomor 5

Jawaban Nomor 5

Asking for Offer Giving Offer Accepting Offer Declining Offer
- May I help you, Miss? Yes, please. -
- Is there anything else miss? - No, Sir.
Can I get sun block here? Sure. It’s a new product from sun protection. - -
Is there anything special offer? - - -

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