Contoh Abstrak Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

A Portofolio: Hasil Terjemahan Abstrak Bahasa Inggris-Eko Wahyudi

Contoh 1: Abstrak Skripsi Mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan-FKIP UNS 


Eko Wahyudi, “GRAMMATICAL ERROR ANALYSIS IN STUDENTS’ REPORTED SPEECH (The Case of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo in 2010/2011 Academic Year)”. A thesis. Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 2012.
The objectives of the research are: (1) to describe the errors varieties in constructing reported speech of eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri Gondangrejo Karanganyar. (2) to find out the highest error frequency students made in constructing reported speech. (3) to describe the factors influencing the students’ error in constructing reported speech.
The research uses a descriptive quantitative method. The population comes from the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo with the total number of 228 students. Meanwhile, the total number of the sample is 79 students. The sample is taken by using purposive sampling. The research is conducted through two stages. In the first stage, there is a try-out test given to the XI IPA 2 students in February 26, 2011. Thirty-two students attend the try-out test and answer the 55 items essay test. The outcome of the try-out test produces 15 items invalid data and 35 items valid data. Thus, the 35 valid data is used as a final or real test by the entire samples, that is, 79 students. The final or real test is conducted in April 7, 2011. The research uses 79 students to analyze the grammatical error in students’s reported speech. Then, the researcher analyzes the data through error analysis procedure: identifying errors, calculating errors into percentage, describing and classifying them into types of errors, explaining them based on the error sources, and evaluating them into the correct rule.
The research finding of the thesis shows that: (1) there are five error classifications (misformation, addition, misordering, omission, and combination error); (2) there are two sources of error (interlingual and intralingual error); (3) the total of error classification is 2,897; (4) the error’s frequency on each classification is 1.66 percent of addition error, 1.07 percent of misordering error, 50.5 percent of misformation error, 1.97 percent of omission error, and 44.48 percent of combination error; (5) the total of the sources of error is 2,178; (6) the frequency on intralingual error is 97.15 percent  and 2.85 percent of interlingual error; (6)the connector addition belongs to the highest error in addition error (60.42 percent); (7) the misformation of tense belongs to the highest frequency of the misformation error (17.7 percent);the past tense belongs to the highest frequency of misformation error (50.96 percent). (8) omission of connector belongs to the highest frequency of error (28.08 percent) in omission error classification.
The researcher concludes that the most students still find difficulty in forming the exact structure of the tense, especially the past tense. It happened because in constructing the reported speech, the students have to back shift the tense of the reported clause. Meanwhile, the most dominant source or factor influencing the student’s error comes from the structure of the target language, namely intralingual error. The mother tongue has only a little influence.

Contoh 2: Abstrak Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi -FE UNS

Yang ini adalah contoh proses penerjemahan abstrak dari bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Inggris. 

                                                              UTORO MARDI HERJUNO                                                      

PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur. Sedangkan permasalahan yang sering ditemukan pada industri manufaktur adalah mengenai kualitas produk. Kualitas sangatlah penting peranannya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan menjaga kepercayaann pelanggan, dikarenakan supaya pelanggan tetap setia dengan produk yang dibuat oleh perusahan dan tidak beralih keproduk lain. 

Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1). Untuk menentukan rata-rata jumlah kerusakan produk rokok Djitoe golden Executive yang terjadi pada proses produksi PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy. (2). Mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan rokok Djitoe Golden Executive. (3). Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya kerusakan produk rokok Djitoe Golden Executive yang di luar batas toleransi.

Dalam penelitian pengendalian kualitas ini penulis menggunakan pengendalian untuk data atribut yaitu dengan metode analisis P-chart untuk mengetahui tingkat kerusakan batas atas (UCL) dan batas bawah (LCL). Dengan metode P-chart dapat diketahui proporsi rata-rata kerusakan 0,075, batas kendali atas (UCL) 0,129 dan batas kendali bawah (LCL) 0,021. Dari hasil perhitungan kerusakan rokok djitoe golden executive tersebut terdapat kerusakan yang diluar batas toleransi atau kendali yaitu pada tanggal 3 februari 2012 sebesar 0,130 dikarenakan pada saat itu musimnya musim penghujan banyak tembakau yang basah yang menyebabkan kerusakan rokok diluar batas toleransi. Sedangkan dari analisis diagram sebab akibat dapat diketahui bahwa kerusakan terjadi karena faktor manusia, mesin, metode dan material.

Dari hasil penelitian ini maka penulis ingin memberikan saran kepada perusahaan PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy agar lebih memperhatikan kualitas tembakau terutama saat musim penghujan banyak tembakau yang basah yang menjadi penyebab utama banyaknya kerusakan rokok saat proses produksi, penggantian sparepart yang standar, meningkatkan kedisiplinan dan lebih memperhatikan kinerja karyawan agar sesuai dengan prosedur kerja dari perusahaan.

Kata kunci: P-chart, Fisbone
The Analysis of the Controlling of Executive Djitoe Golden Cigarette Product Division of the Machine Tobacco Cigarette through P-Chart Method in PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy Surakarta


PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy is one of the manufacture companies. The most problem that is often found is about product quality. A quality plays an important role in fulfilling the customers’ satisfaction and keeping the customers’ trust. Besides, it has functions to keep the customer’s loyal to the product which is produced by the company and they do not turn to the other products. 

The objectives of the research are: (1) to decide the average frequency of the Djitoe Golden Executive broken product happened on the production process in PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy Surakarta; (2) to know the factors that influence the broken of the Djitoe Golden Executive cigarette. (3) to know whether there is a broken in the Djitoe Golden Executive cigarette out of tolerance. 

In the research of the quality handling, the writer uses handling to the attribute datum that is through P-chart analysis method to recognize the level of the broken upper control limit (UCL) and low control limit (LCL). Through P-chart method can be known the average frequency of the broken, that is 0.075, the upper control limit (UCL) is 0.129 and low control limit (LCL) is 0.021. Based on the calculation of the broken of djitoe golden executive cigarette, there is an out of the tolerance of broken products in February, 3rd, 2012 (0.130) because of the wet season that influences the wet tobacco. Thus, this case influences the broken product out of tolerance. Meanwhile, based on the cause and effect diagram analysis, it can be recognized that the broken product is influenced because of the human-being factor, machine, method, and material. 

Through this research, the writer gives suggestion to the PT. Djitoe Indonesian Tobacco Coy Company in order more notice the tobacco quality, especially there are many wet tobaccos when wet season that becomes the most dominant factor of the broken cigarette product during production process, the standard practical of the changing spare part, increasing the discipline, and more notice the employees in order suitable with the work procedure from the company.  

Key Word: P-chart, Fishbone

Contoh 3: Abstrak Thesis Mahasiswa S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa-UNNES



Joko Sukoyo
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Unnes


Dewasa ini komputer mengalami kemajuan yang begitu pesat. Penciptaan program-program baru sangat membantu dalam bidang pendidikan. Salah satunya adalah program adobe captivate. Program tersebut dapat digunakan untuk membuat soal-soal digital interaktif yang akan membuat pembelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Tetapi kompetensi guru khususnya guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara dalam penguasaan teknologi termasuk program adobe captivate untuk pembuatan soal-soal digital bahasa Jawa masih sangat rendah. Soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa mayoritas masih menggunakan soal yang diketik di kertas. Padahal dengan menggunakan soal digital, memungkinkan siswa mengerjakan secara langsung di depan komputer dan usai mengerjakan siswa dapat secara langsung melihat skor yang diperolehnya. Mengingat pemanfaatan soal digital dirasa perlu dan mendesak untuk dilakukan sehingga perlu diadakan pelatihan pembuatan soal-soal digital kepada guru-guru tersebut.

Permasalahan yang tercakup dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah bagaimana cara meningkatkan kemampuan guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Semarang Utara dalam hal penyusunan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate, dan bagaimana memanfaatkannya dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah 1) ceramah. 2) demonstrasi. 3) praktik langsung 4) Tanya Jawab, dan 5) Penugasan.

Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat sebanyak 47 guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Diantaranya berasal dari SD Panggung Kidul 01, SD Panggung Kidul 02, SD Panggung Lor 01, SD Bulu Lor 01, dan SD Bulu Lor 02. Materi yang diberikan kepada peserta meliputi pengenalan program adobe captivate, penginstalan program adobe captivate, penulisan soal bahasa Jawa berdasarkan kurikulum KTSP, penulisan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate, dan serangkaian latihan-latihan untuk mempercepat keterampilan membuat soal digital mata pelajaran bahasa Jawa. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berdampak positif kepada guru-guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Terjadi peningkatan kemampuan dalam bidang komputer, khususnya peningkatan penguasaan program adobe captivate untuk pembuatan soal digital. Sebelum diadakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mereka sama sekali tidak dapat membuat soal digital dengan program adobe captivate. Setelah diadakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dan diadakan evaluasi terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, lebih dari 75% dapat membuat soal digital.

Kata Kunci: Program adobe captivate, soal digital bahasa Jawa




Improving Teacher’s Competence through Training of Javanese Language Digital

Question Arrangement by Using Adobe Captivate Program for Elementary Teacher in North Semarang Sub District

Joko Sukoyo
Language and Arts Faculty, Semarang State University


Nowadays, the development of computer technology experiences fast improvement. Producing new programs very aids education line. One of the programs is adobe captivate. This program can be functioned to create new interactive digital questions which will make teaching – learning process become more delightful. Unfortunately, the competence of elementary teacher in North Semarang Sub District in mastering technology, especially adobe captivate is still poor. Most students still answer those questions in the form paper which is typed manually, whereas, through the digital question, it enables students to answer questions in front of the screen of computer directly and to see the students’ score after finishing it. Since the usage of digital question is perceived as important and crucial to do, it is urgent to practice a training of making digital questions for those teachers.

The problem including the society dedication is on how to improve the elementary teachers’ capability in North Semarang Sub District in arranging Javanese Language digital question through applying adobe captivate program, as well as on how to utilize it in the teaching-learning process. The methods used in this activity are: 1) Speech 2) Demonstration 3) Direct practice 4) Asking and answering question 5) Assignment

The audience joining the society dedication activity is 47 elementary teachers of North Semarang Sub District. They include from SD Panggul Kidul 01, SD Panggung Kidul 02, SD Panggung Lor 01, SD Bulu Lor 01, as well as SD Bulu Lor 02. The materials given to the audiences involve the introduction of adobe captivate program, installation of adobe captivate program, writing of Javanese Language based on KTSP curriculum, writing Javanese Language digital questions by using adobe captivate program, and wide range trainings to make fast skills in making Javanese Language digital question. The society dedication affects positive impact to the elementary teachers in North Semarang Sub District. There is improvement of capability in computer line, especially adobe captivate program mastery to make digital questions. Before holding society dedication, they can not make digital questions through adobe captivate at all. Fortunately, after holding this dedication as well as giving evaluation, it is occurred significant improvement, that is more than 75 percent teachers can make digital question.

Key Word: captivate adobe, program, Javanese Language digital question



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