Menulis Essay Bahasa Inggris
Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan menyajikan tulisan essay dalam bahasa Inggris, mengenai kontradiksi kehidupan masyarakat di kota dan di desa.
Step 1: Outline
Pertama-tama kita buat draft atau outline paragraph. Draft atau otline merupakan kerangka, yakni garis besar urutan konsep ide yang akan kita tuangkan pada essay,
Tittle: The Contrast between the Social Life in City and Village
Paragraph 1:
Opuening. Point of view in general about the theme.
Paragraph 2:
The first major difference between the social life in city and village is the kinship of society.
• People are individualism (they do not know each other, busy, money oriented, selfish).
• People are collectivism (they are nice, friendly, helpful, they know each other).
Paragraph 3:
The second difference between social life in city and village is about the physical condition of nature.
• Pollution
• There are many buildings
• Fresh air, no pollution
• Natural, green, there are many trees
Paragraph 4:
The third difference between the social life in city and village is the education.
• There are many education institutions, universities, research institutes
• People studies minimum until senior high school level. Many of them graduate from university.
• There are only some education institutions. (Commonly there are only elementary, junior, and senior high school).
• Many People study only until senior high school
Paragraph 5:
Another difference between the social life in city and village is the economic.
• Variety of income.
• Variety of job.
• Most people save money in the bank
• Low income
• People works as a farmer
• Most People save money in the home
Paragraph 6:
The fifth difference between the social life in City and Village is the service of public healthy center.
• Many public healthy centers (such as: clinic, local government clinic/puskesmas, hospital)
• Using modern healthy equipments for handling serious illness (ex: chemotherapy, treatment of patient suffering dengue fever, cancer surgeon, twin baby surgeon, etc)
• There are many wards in the hospital.
• There are many specialist doctor (ex: pediatrician, dentist, veterinarian, psychiatrist, obstetrician, ophthalmologist, midwife, etc)
• There are many labors in the hospital (at least there are 3 specialists in a hospital)
• It only has local government clinic (puskesmas)
• Using simple healthy equipments for unserious illness (such as: influenza, cough, immunization, injuries, etc)
• Only few of ward in the hospital
• There is only a general practitioner or midwife in the local government clinic.
• The number of labor is little in the local government clinic or hospital
Paragraph 7:
The last difference between the social life in city and village is the entertainment.
• There are varieties of recreation object (mall, museum, discotheque, movie theatre, etc)
• Children play modern game (ex: game online, play station, Nintendo, etc)
• Man and woman get entertainment by going to mall, watching movie in theatre, discotheque, etc.
• It is difficult to find recreation.
• Children play traditional game (ex: congklak, marble, football, bentik, etc)
• Man and woman get entertainment from radio and TV.
Paragraph 8:
By contrasting some differences of the social life in city and village above, it can be concluded that people who live in city are more prosperous than people who live in village. Consequently, many people who live in village move to city for making better their life.
Step 2: Developing Paragraph
Setelah menuliskan draft, atau outline, selanjutnya kita kembangkan menjadi paragraph yang utuh.
The Contrast between the Social Life in City and Village
It is commonly accepted that people who live in the earth often find out the contrastive matters in their daily life. For instance is the contrast between the social life in city and village. A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement. On the other hand, village is a relatively as small unit of society, which has rights and duties to settle the business of the society itself based on their faith, custom, and ancestor. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the social life in city and village. We are going to look at the kinship of society, the physical condition of nature, the education, the economic, the service of public healthy centre, and the entertainment.
The first major difference between the social life in city and village is the kinship of society. Everyone believes that people living in city are individualism. They routinely work along day, from Monday until Saturday, from 8 am until 5 pm. They are money oriented. Since they never socialize, they do not know each other. On the other hand, people living in village are friendly. When you are looking for someone’s address, people there can show that address correctly. Furthermore, people living in village usually have strong togetherness, for example, people will help each other when they have an event, e.g., in tradition of Javanese there are wedding party, mitoni, selametan, so on.
The second difference between the social life in city and village is the physical conditions of nature. It is undeniable that the foul air pollution and traffic jam threaten the healthy of people who live in big cities, e.g., Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, so on. Because the numbers of constructing the industries and the using of vehicles are increase, people feel the air is so hot and it is often happened traffic jam. These conditions make people feeling stress. In village, however, it is still easy to breathe fresh air. The truly village is still natural. No one find industries there. The using of vehicles is still limited. There are many trees grow up. People not only can breathe the fresh air but also can see the green leaf everyday. There will no be traffic jam. People always feel relaxed.
The third difference between the social life in city and village is the education. In city, there are many education institutions, universities, and research institutes, which can improve the advance of the city. Commonly, people living in city get higher study than people who live in village. They also have qualified human resources, which is useful for improving certain business optimally. On the other hand, the number of education institutions is limited in village, for example, elementary, junior, and senior high school. There is no university. Most people usually study until the grade of senior high school. Some of them continue their study into university but they never come back again to their village. They prefer to work in city.
The fourth difference between the social life in city and village is the economic. Since people living in city have better knowledge and graduate from reputable university or higher academic institution, they become prosperous. They can practice their knowledge for doing business, for example, they can improve their selling of product by using internet or they can apply certain position in job career that is related to their background study. Besides, people living in city realize that saving money in the bank is more safety and comfortable. On the other hand, people living in village tend to have low income. It happened because most of them have only a low education background and have lack knowledge about technology. People living in village are a farmer. They usually depend on the farmland and livestock for a living. Sometimes the farmers get disadvantages when their livestock get infection of virus, such as, anthrax or H1N1. Besides, people living in village usually save their money in the home or in the moneybox, whereas saving money in the home is dangerous, for example danger from robbery, danger from fire, so on.
The fifth difference between the social life in city and village is the service of public healthy center. In city, people can find easily the clinics, local government clinics, and hospital. They use modern healthy equipment for handling serious illnesses, such as surgeon of cancer, surgeon of premature of the twin baby, chemotherapy, treatment patient of suffering dengue fever, so on. Besides, in the hospital of city many wards can hold hundreds patients. In addition, there are many specialist doctors in city, for example, pediatrician, dentist, veterinarian, psychiatrist, obstetrician, ophthalmologist, midwife, so on. Hospital has many labors for treating its patients. At least there are 3 specialists in a hospital. On the other hand, it is difficult to find a hospital in village. Commonly, a village has only a local government clinic. Besides, the using of healthy equipments are incomplete. It usually only handles unserious illnesses, for example, injuries, cough, influenza, immunization, so on. Beside that, it has only some wards and labor. Commonly, Local government clinic has only a general practitioner or midwife. It has no specialist doctor. Patients suffering serious illnesses are often referred to the hospital in city. Absolutely this case insists them to spend more money because the fee of treatment in city is more expensive than in village.
The last difference between the social life in city and village is the entertainment. City has many kinds of recreation object, for example, mall, discotheque, movie theatre, cafe, etc. Children usually play modern games, for example, game online, playstation, and Nintendo. Man and woman usually looking for entertainment in movie theatre, discotheque, café, etc. On the other hand, village seldom has seldom recreation object. Children in village play traditional game, for example, marble, dakon, bentik, etc. Man and woman in village usually get entertainment by listening radio or watching TV.
By contrasting five cases above, we can conclude that living in city is more attractive than living in village. In city, people can find what they want easily, for example getting higher education in reputable university, getting excellent treatment in hospital, and getting entertainments but people cannot find comfortable as village has, for example, breathing fresh air, seeing green leafs, meeting friendly people, and getting free from traffic jam.
Demikian penjelasan langkah penulisan essay dalam bahasa Inggris beserta contohnya. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan jika kita ingin menulis essay, yang harus dilakukan adalah: Pertama, melakukan research atau pengumpulan materi permasalahan yang akan kita angkat, tujuannya adalah agar tulisan kita nanti lebih berbobot dan masuk akal. Kedua, menuliskan kerangka alias outline/ draft secara runtut: judul sampai dengan paragraph penutup. Ketiga, mengembangkan paragraph. Pada dasarnya, setiap paragraph terbentuk dari kumpulan beberapa kalimat, dan paragraph yang baik harus memiliki pikiran utama (main idea), dengan diikuti beberapa kalimat penjelas (supporting sentences).